by T.A. Webb
It's taken me until now to get up the nerve to write this review mostly because this book broke my heart and then only some of the pieces got put back together, I needed time to find the rest and fix them into place. I never thought I'd say this but in a way I'm glad this book was short, because i...
4.5 seize the moment starsI love how Webb was able to build such a strong bond of friendship between these three college buddies in so few pages. Then we watch it ebb away as "real life" takes over. This book was a great reminder to seize the moment because you can't always make up for lost time an...
Once again I'm left struggling for the right words to explain how much I was taken with this story. Harley Manfield was a beautiful, warm, gregarious man who put the people he cared about above all else including himself. I wish there had been more to this story, more Harley, but what there was touc...