One of the things I regretted last summer was that I wasn't more in touch with the books selected for the Summer Reading program. So I decided as soon as the list was given to us that I would read as many books as I could so that I'd be better prepared for recommending them to our patrons. This is w...
Short is a super cute children's book that I think a lot of kids can relate too. Its funny, has a great theme and perfect for theater kids. The main character, Julia is very short and starts to get mad at the world, especially when her mom makes her try out for the Wizard of Oz and she's cast as a m...
There is so much to talk about Counting by 7s that for a middle-grade book, there is philosophy that can't be ignored. This is a story of a gifted girl named Willow Chance that has a significant character of 7s and has a way about herself that nobody understood her. Adopted by foster parents - trage...
WOW. Amazing. And how is this book not a movie yet?! I would cry all the way through.
Just as Natasha did, I enjoyed the book enormously. I was totally enthralled and more than wiling to suspend my disbelief in order to enjoy the string of coincidences, good and bad, that were almost magical. It is a charming, humane, warm sort of book with the happy ending that implies.But there was...