by First Rate Publishers, George Orwell
A brief but enjoyable memoir of Orwell's time in the P.O.U.M. (Workers' Party of Marxist Unification) fighting against Franco and the Fascists. Along with containing some of Orwell's most memorable experiences from his time in revolutionary Spain, the book also contains details of the fracturing of ...
POUM and CNT/FAI members in the Spanish revolution & civil war:This is an amazing, vivid account of the author's experience as a member of POUM militia in the Spanish civil war & how he came to an anti-totalitarianism, pro-socialism, pro-working class political stance. I really like his sincerity an...
Orwell. Y'know.
"HOMAGE TO CATALONIA" is George Orwell's tribute to Spain. He, like thousands of other foreigners sympathetic to the Spanish Republican government, had arrived in Spain in late 1936 to take up arms in its defense against the Nationalists, who, led by conservative, reactionary elements in the Spanis...
Reading anything by Orwell is always worth and rewarding. And "Homage to Catalonia" makes no exception. As someone pointed out somewhere the way Orwell understood and described Spain surpasses by far what Hemingway wrote pretty much in the same years about the same country.But while Hemingway spent ...
George Orwell’s ‘Homage to Catalonia’ provides a great insight into the politics of the Spanish Civil War. It also appears to have inspired a number of the scenes in Ken Loach’s splendid Spanish Civil War film ‘Land and Freedom’. George’s description of Barcelona immediately after the revolution wil...