by Deborah Levy
I'm going to start off by saying I did not like this book and that I did not finish reading it. If you are looking for a review for the whole book, this is not it. This is just me talking about why I decided to stop reading this book. The writing didn't pull me in and I felt the characters were fl...
Hot Milk is not a perfect novel, by any means, but it can be quite enjoyable. It's disjointed and quirky, but these are features that can be endearing for some readers. Others may be put off by it. This is the first book I have read by Deborah Levy, so I'm not sure if this dream-like prose is indica...
"Today I dropped my laptop on the concrete floor of a bar built on the beach. It was tucked under my arm and slid out of its black rubber sheath (designed like an envelope), landing screen side down. The digital page is now shattered but at least it still works. My laptop has all my life in it and k...
bookshelves: spring-2016, published-2016, radio-4, medical-eew, women, those-autumn-years, mental-health, glbt, spain Read from March 18 to April 01, 2016 Hot Milk is the latest novel by Man Booker shortlisted author Deborah Levy. Set it Sout...