by John Saul, Angela Dawe
Though I thought the ending was not believable (way too many questions remain) I did enjoy this book. It's definitely a book about the choices that some make that lead them down a path that they may not be willing to follow in the end. The book jumps back and forth between characters here and ther...
It’s rare that I find a story that is such a bewildering mix of themes, loose ends, illogic, and cardboard characters, and yet holds my interest long enough to actually get to the end of the book without DNF’ing. I can’t even think of any way to explain myself without spoiling the entire… I can’t sa...
Well, I tried to give this one a good try. Listened to half of it...but it never got interesting for me. It was depressing and boring. Then when the crazy kid killed a dog, I was done. I can't handle animal death very well...and to keep listening to a book I was only iffy thanks. Mov...