by Mira Grant
Zombies in Australia clearly means zombie kangaroos and wombats, silly accents and heavy on the cultural stereotypes. An American writing about a Brit in Australia always risks annoying any reader who fits into either category. Mahir is the Brit, visiting two new Australian journalists at End Times ...
Cross-posted on ReaderlingSo, as I mentioned in my review of The Last Stand of the California Browncoats, I've been reading Newsflesh novellas as my big end of summer hurrah. While Browncoats corrected a lot of the things I don't like about the Newsflesh world, being as it is an outbreak story uncon...
Okay, now I'm deeply annoyed. I understand that any book written by an American about Australia and its culture is going to be a little.... off. I was able to put my cultural outrage aside for the most part, but for what? For a book that just stops? With no story arc? No conclusion? No resolution? A...
It was all right....good writing and editing, of course, just a little dull, to me.
Y’know, I would be totally fine if Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire wrote more Newsflesh novellas like this one. Not that I’m begging her to, but I’d love to see more of this universe, and this novella in particular is a great semi-sequel to the trilogy. Most extra stories and sequels I’ve read mainly focu...
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Yet another novella in the Newsflesh universe. I wasn't quite as taken in by this one as by the earlier ones, as there seem little new ground to explore... but what little new ground there is, Mira Grant found in this novella. My biggest beef with the story is that like in all novellas, there's not ...
Rating: 3.5 out of 5.For those who read and loved Mira Grant's Newsflesh Trilogy, this first mention of this novella will probably come with a lot of excitement. At least, that was how it was for me.Mira Grant definitely maintained her beautifully terrible setting. A zombie apocalypse. A virus that ...
Mmm, I like Mahir, but I think I liked him better when he wasn't a POV character? This novella could have done with about thirty to fifty pages less of Mahir alternately freaking out and falling asleep like a hyperventilating narcoleptic before the actual story gets going.Love the zombie kangaroos, ...