by Lila Felix
FAV line everrrrrr everest ever:My seven a.m. teacher was from France. And he spoke Frenglish. Sometimes it was funny, but when he announced which chapters we should study and the names came out in English, but the chapter numbers came out in French, I wanted to strangle the sacre bleu out of him....
It's official! I am a cradle robber. I am in love with a 20 year old and his name is Falcon Black. He was so sweet, perfect, thoughtful, giving, loving, responsible, broody, romantic, swoon worthy, and whatever else you can come up with. I am not sure what he could have done to make me love him ...
I don't usually like NA or series books, but I liked the cover so much that it had me checking out the book's blurb. The H sounded so sweet that I took a chance & purchased it. I was right - the H was sweet. Didn't care for it being a series, but it worked for me.
I took my time with this one. I didn't want to rush through the book and be left crying because it was over. Nope, instead I savored it and swam around in it. Fully clothed of course. Hey this is a clean YA read people. Let’s stay focused here. Anyhow, said it before, guess I am meant to say it agai...