How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love With You
1. Join the Drama Club 2. Do Your Research 3. Provide Something She Needs 4. Make Her Feel Secure and Important 5. Pay Attention! 6. Be a Good Friend 7. Be More Attractive 8. Be Complimentary, But Not Obsequious 9. Establish Rapport 10. Be Encouraging and Supportive 11. Give Her Space 12. Admit...
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1. Join the Drama Club 2. Do Your Research 3. Provide Something She Needs 4. Make Her Feel Secure and Important 5. Pay Attention! 6. Be a Good Friend 7. Be More Attractive 8. Be Complimentary, But Not Obsequious 9. Establish Rapport 10. Be Encouraging and Supportive 11. Give Her Space 12. Admit When You’re Wrong and Apologize 13. Find the Perfect Birthday Gift 14. Tell Her
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Publisher: The Writer's Coffee Shop
Pages no: 152
Edition language: English
I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.Seventeen-year-old Oliver Wendell Holmes is kind of a peculiar person. When it comes to setting goals for himself; he likes making list. He is very fastidious when it comes to his list no matter what he sets out to do. Whether ...