by Joanna Russ
Russ' book is still relevant because not everything has changed. In particular, the chapters about how women writers were recieved before it was known that they were women, are really interesting. But its also a genre plea because many of the quotes and stories come from writers in the Sci-Fi and...
Published thirty years ago but still fresh and (sadly) relevant. The brilliant cover doubles as a handy crib sheet, but I wish I had gotten around to putting in an interlibrary loan request sooner.
This one belongs on the Feminist Classics shelf. I stumbled across a reference to it online, and was intrigued enough to order it through Inter-Library Loan, which should say something right there. A feminist classic about how women's writing is suppressed, written by a woman... that's unavailable a...
A classic. Wonderful to read in conjunction with Dale Spender's "Mothers of the Novel".