The Canadian co-publisher notwithstanding, this clearly British production features Robin Cousins on the cover and John Curry on the title page. Canadian, American and European skaters are featured throughout, and well identified (a photo of Sally Anne Stapleford doing a deep backward crossover can...
A survey of the state of skating, in all its manifestations, from a British perspective in the late 1950s. There are chapters on roller skating, speed skating and ice hockey, but figure skating in both its competitive and theatrical aspects gets the lion's share of attention. If you want a skating...
Full title is Skating: elegance on ice. Some nice surprises in this book, including a movie still of Belita (in a film called "Suspense"), and quite a large number of shots of stars of the 60s, as well as the more expected skaters of the 70s. Chapter headings: Yesteryears; New Ice Age; Figuring; T...
A coffee-table book with lots of good pictures of the stars of '70s figure skating. Foreword by Robin Cousins.