Getting better and better after the first rather predicable emphasis on gold.
bookshelves: nonfiction, published-2011, sciences, winter-20102011, flufferoonies, essays Read from January 29 to February 04, 2011 ** spoiler alert ** More whimsical than weighty; philosophic rather than physic. It would sit well as a staple introduction to those universalism courses they offe...
I'll be honest enough to admit that I don't read non-fiction as often as I'd like but every now and again something catches my eye. This had been on my wishlist so when it came up on Amazon Vine I leapt at the chance to read it.I'm very glad I did. The last book that caught my interest in this way w...
I should have backed away slowly when I saw the blurb that started "In the spirit of Freakonomics" because I didn't much like that either.This is a cute pop-science explanation of statistics, the media and why we as a culture have such difficulty understanding what our risks for various things actua...
It has taken me WEEKS to read the first half of this book, but I don't think it's the fault of the book. I think it's not a good idea for me to try to read a book on statistics in the summer! There are some really interesting parts, and I'd like to get back to it sometime, but I'm not going to try...