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Like this is what it was leading up to? Really? I am gonna get mad, so spoilers behind the break. Batwoman can't marry her gf, but King writes this so-called epic so that in Rebirth, Batman can marry Catwoman? Even though we all knew the 'well, we don't want Batwoman to have a lesbian...
I've read Vision. Multiple times. I know King is better than this, and I'm holding him to that high standard. Way, way too drawn out.
Riddler and Joker are murdering the citizens of Gotham, destroying the city, in an all out war to see who gets the right to kill the Bat. To choose how to tip the fight, Bruce Wayne invites them over, and offers them financial aid to the one who can convince him why they're the one who should ki...
The revelation behind I am Suicide, the storyline title, is revealed. Bruce Wayne had to kill himself to bring Batman in the world so Batman is a form of committing suicide. I side-eyed it when I read it, and I side-eye it now. Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. Bruce Wayne still walks around...