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Hull Zero Three [With Earbuds] - Community Reviews back

by Greg Bear, Dan John Miller
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Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog
Cataloguing everything wrong with this book would take an age. Suffice to say poor writing combined with poor plotting leaves me frustrated with another Bear novel that had enough interesting ideas to give it a fairly generous two stars. As with previous books I've read by him, I find that the mater...
Viking2917's books
Viking2917's books rated it 12 years ago
Inventive hard sci-fi. The Ship is an interesting creation, and the characters were fun, but I was kind of left wondering what the point of the whole thing was. Bear's other books are better by far, especially Blood Music, Queen of Angels, or Heads.
target acquired
target acquired rated it 12 years ago
Mystery in Space Poor Teacher! He wakes up cold and naked and without a memory, his only companion a mean little girl, on board a gigantic spaceship called “Ship”… whatever should he do? Why, he should move forward of course, forward, ever forward! Otherwise gigantic monsters out of some monster’s...
wifilibrarian rated it 12 years ago
I listened to the audio version narrated by Dan John Miller.This story is set on a kilometres long spaceship, on a very long journey to another hospitable world. The main protagonist is awoken from an utopian dream-time by a mysterious human like girl, into a cold unforgiving ship full of strange an...
susanvoss18 rated it 13 years ago
This Greg Bear tale is told through the sometimes exhaustion-bleared, and sometimes shocked wide-open, eyes of one dude who is woken up to a very nasty shock. Earth was in desperate straights and put together a very fancy, very large ship to send humanity out to a very, very distant star system. The...
D3's Booklog
D3's Booklog rated it 13 years ago
_Hull Zero Three_ is a pretty solid 3-star sci-fi story. It’s my first read of anything by Greg Bear, and while I wasn’t exactly blown away I’ll keep my eye out for other stuff by him in the future. The novel follows the first person account of a newly awakened passenger on a seedship headed towards...
jaddington rated it 13 years ago
Alright. Wish I had got it on my Nook, and not a proper book.
Ironic Contradictions
Ironic Contradictions rated it 14 years ago
While I am a big fan of unique science fiction ideas, space travel and aliens the writing in this particular novel did not collaborate with my love of ideas. The writing seemed disjointed and rushed, possibly partly due to the highly minimalistic style used. Personally if this had been a film I may ...
Papyrus to Datapad
Papyrus to Datapad rated it 14 years ago
Hull Zero three was another book that recently subverted my expectations. The description I read of this title suggested to me a dark survival horror-style novel of a man being woken on board a generation ship to find the halls full of monsters and broken-down machinary and himself hunted.Whilst tha...
Teresa Frohock
Teresa Frohock rated it 14 years ago
This is the best science fiction I have read in years. Bear’s command of Teacher’s story gripped me from page one and did not let go. The story is dark and haunting, and I loved every page of it.Science fiction writers sometimes make their tales more about the science and less about the characters. ...
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