Plato and Aristotle between them not only laid the foundations for Western philosophy, many would argue they divided it neatly between them: Plato the one who with his "Allegory of the Cave" gave birth to the idea of an existence beyond our senses, giving a rational gloss to mysticism. Aristotle, th...
This is by far the best edition in English. Jowett is worthless, more a Victorian era paraphrase than a translation, and Cooper et al contains a lot of lousy "updated" translations, though Grube's Republic is in it. Still, nothing compares to Shorey's Republic, which Hamilton prints.Use this edition...
This book is my bible. I first read it for a college class as an undergrad. One of the first books I remember reading was the Symposium. I ended up dropping that first philosophy class for various reasons. When I came back to school at a different university, I decided to try philosophy again. Synch...