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I Am Pilgrim - Community Reviews back

by Terry Hayes
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The Professor
The Professor rated it 8 years ago
“I pulled the Beretta out of my waistband and crept silently towards the door.” There's a certain goodwill one has for an old hand Hollywood scriptwriter whose first novel is a gargantuan slab of pulp fun but when that scriptwriter lives in Switzerland and thanks his lawyer in the acknowledgements y...
JB's Reading Life
JB's Reading Life rated it 9 years ago
A page turning thriller, except that it is very long and over complicated, so I read it in smallish chunks and have just finished. The hero is a secret service James Bond type, but American, saving the world from an Islamic terrorist. Judging by the comments made by the hero Terry Hayes has a very ...
Dem rated it 10 years ago
This is one of those books that I passed in the book shop on numerous occasions without even picking up up because the cover didn't appeal to me and it just looked like way too many pages for my liking. Only on recommendations from two trustworthy friends did I eventually read this novel. On...
Thewanderingjew rated it 10 years ago
Two masters of their art, one working for the good of his country and one toward plotting its end, come head to head in this fast moving adventure. The hero is Pilgrim, an intelligence officer, a spy and trained assassin, for a highly secret agency of the United States government. He is very good at...
All about me
All about me rated it 10 years ago
This book started of a bit slow at first. Things were happening, but it didn't really have the page-turning quality that other thrillers have right from the word go. I know everyone loves to pan Dan Brown but he is a master at smacking you in the face right from the start and that's one of the thing...
Sydneysida rated it 11 years ago
Given Terry Hayes' credentials it is not surprising that this is a really good book! Hayes creates a powerful, intelligent leading character who is believable. He does not focus on the character's weaknesses as other authors do (usually very painfully) and I applaud this. The plot is intricate and t...
My Awesome Reads
My Awesome Reads rated it 11 years ago
Title: I am Pilgrim Author: Terry Hayes Published: 2012 Pages: 890 Rating: 5 Stars (more if i could) "A fantastic read: a big, solid, chunky, fast paced, rip-roaring thriller, the love child of a manic union between Jack Reacher and James Bond" - Manda Scott Goodreads Summary: "Can you comm...
Claire loves to read!
Claire loves to read! rated it 11 years ago
Published on 10th April 2014 by Random House - thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley team for the advance reading copy I received. The synopsis of this book sounded interesting, so I imagined a fast-paced thriller that would hold my interest throughout and keep me awake into the wee smal...
runner rated it 11 years ago
Maybe it's something to do with the fact that I am on hols and as a little surprise my wife decided to invite my mother in law to stay...you know the scene :( Your favourite seat in front of the telly is now occupied by the MIL, your beers have all disappeared from the fridge ( or cooler if you are...
Ellen Allen Writes
Ellen Allen Writes rated it 11 years ago
This is a huge, enthralling book that is a real page turner. He delivers a masterclass in how to plot and pace a great thriller. Brillant!
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