by Glen Duncan
Can't get in to this right now and it's due back at the library so on the 'paused' shelf it goes. I'll pick it up again later.
”Once upon a...Time, you’ll be pleased to know--and since one must start somewhere--was created in creation.What was there before creation? is meaningless. Time is a property of creation. What there was was the Old Chap peering in a state of perpetual nowness up His own almighty sphincter trying to ...
Glen Duncan definitely deserves credit for having the courage to approach such a controversial topic as telling the Lucifer's side of story. However, the story he tells is a story no man can actually tell, therefore, it comes out nothing if predictable. Nevertheless, Duncan's attempt at it is a good...
Page 6 and the book just described a majestic trajectory across the room. The concept has so much promise but I don't think I can go on reading a book narrated by such a blatant asshole. He dishes out homophobia nice and early on page 1 (ONE!)* and a yummy side of misogyny on page 4** and then goes ...
I just couldn't handle the presentation of the prose.
Glen Duncan writes up a riot of a story with this novel about the Devil being offered a shot at redemption by living out the rest of the life of one "Declan Gunn", an under-read novelist with a mountain of baggage. Of course, the Devil takes the offer, but he isn't interested in redemption.The story...
I remember when I first discovered this book: a friend of mine (who isn't actually a friend any more) had this habit of reading a book and once he had finished it he basically leaves it at a friend's house for somebody else to pick it up and read it, which ended up happening to be me. I guess the re...
I was warned that I would either love it or hate it. Put me on the hate side. Bottom line: Lucifer is a foul-mouthed self-centered pretentious bore from page one and never changes. I'm OK with the foul-mouthed, self-centered, and pretentious part but you have to really try hard to make the Prince of...