At the dawn of time there was a crack in reality. Through this tear in time and space emerged beings of unfathomable power bent on shaping the destiny of the universe towards their sinister goals. Great battles that would drive any lesser beings insane raged on as reality took shape during this...
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At the dawn of time there was a crack in reality. Through this tear in time and space emerged beings of unfathomable power bent on shaping the destiny of the universe towards their sinister goals. Great battles that would drive any lesser beings insane raged on as reality took shape during this chaotic period. In the end the universe was spared by the self destructive nature of these beings, fighting each other into nonexistence until none were left.Uncounted ages later, on a small planet that often is unnoticed by the rest of the universe, Ian Brazee-Cannon was born. He was a story teller from a young age, always being involved in assorted creative endeavors. He is a writer, film maker, game designer and podcaster. Over a dozen of his short stories have seen publication. 'The Fifth Di...', 'Wondrous Web Worlds', 'Forgotten Worlds', 'Tales of the Talisman' and various anthologies have featured his works. He has worked with Nomadic Delirium Press on supplements for the Ephemeris RPG. You can hear him discuss all manner of subjects as one of the founders and regular co-hosts on the Amateur Skeptics podcast. Dangling Carrot Films, Running Riot Productions and Ijin Studios have made use of him as a writer, director, producer and editor on their projects.In some manner of warping time, he is able to find a way to participate in other hobbies and raise two young boys. His collections of books, comic books, action figures and more dominate his office and basement. Regulars at the various Denver area sci-fi conventions will often find him involved in the programming there.
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