Ian C. Esslemont
Birth date: January 01, 1962
Ian C. Esslemont's Books
Wow! This book was better, and different, than expected. It isn't just another book on craft. It's barely even a reference guide. It has essays packed with valuable tips written by authors I love. Sure, a few of these were not in my niche, but the ones that were blew my mind. I could not recommend t...
Reseña en español de [b:La noche de los cuchillos|13561192|La noche de los cuchillos (Malaz El Imperio, #1)|Ian C. Esslemont|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1332745847s/13561192.jpg|446887] en el blog: Click Aquí.Night of the Knives is the first book written by Esslemont and the first instalment in t...
I'll wait for someone to recommend me one of Ian C. Esslemont's next books before reading another.
I'm giving this book four stars because I enjoyed pretty much every word in it. So why not five? Because for the most part I did not come away from the book with any great insights that would change the course of my writing. It was a very entertaining read, especially Orson Scott Cards' section, ...