Ian Gibson
Birth date: April 21, 1939
Ian Gibson's Books
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Wasn't a fan of the art in this volume. It made some of the panels hard to follow, and the bad guys seemed comically cartoonish.
The Ballad of Halo Jones is a science fiction graphic novel series Alan Moore wrote back in the mid 1980's. Set 3000 years in the future, it tells the story of a young woman driven to escape her dead-end life. Her story begins in a giant welfare housing complex filled with gang violence. Halo manage...
Kitschy, with a B-movie feel to it and yet somehow oddly entertaining. I think the more recent Dredd 3D film nailed the original work a lot more accurately than the Stallone movie of the early 90s. Anyway, watching the more recent film peaked my curiosity and I had it on good authority that this was...
Es muy buena la descripción de la escena donde habitaba Rembrandt, quien era influyente, la economía de esa época y el aspecto artístico de esa sociedad. Aunque no esta completo su trabajo (sería un libro más largo)me gusto las obras que seleccionaron y como las complementaron con los hechos.
So far this book is great.. I remember hearing a little bit about Salvador in High School but not much. I was always interested in him due to some of his work that I've seen.Finished it!!! Salvador was certainly a character! But That's what made him beautiful. U can't love people in slices ya know?