Other thoughts/reviews:Purplebooky: http://www.bibliographing.com/2012/07/16/middlemarch-a-small-opening/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bibliographing+%28bibliographing%29
This is another one of those Charles Dickens classics I was supposed to read as a kid and never did. Since I've never seen any of the movies either, it was actually pretty unspoiled for me, though I did know how it ends (anyone growing up in the English-speaking world can hardly have avoided knowing...
Listened to this on CD. 20 CDs. I am a Dickens fan, but this one was too much for me. To romance-y and not hilarious like Pickwick, and often kind of stiffly moralistic and prune-faced. So far this is my least favorite Dickens, by about a mile. It's still better than 90% of everything else, of cours...