by Anne Stuart
I was so excited when I found this book because it seemed that for the first time (for me) we would have a kickass female who works for an agency while the guy would be someone who DIDN'T work for an agency. I was right to be excited because this book had the female lead I'd been looking for in thri...
Review of 1st Reread completed May 18th, 2013 on Kindle VersionI have finally gotten the time to start my reread of Ice Storm. It’s taking me forever to get through this Ice series reread, but I am enjoying it immensely. It’s nice to be able to savor the writing of my favorite author this way. I usu...
Anne Stuart never fails to surprise me. Once again, I was on the verge of despising Killian (Serafin). But I never quite make it to that point. She always manages to eek by and SMACK ME IN THE FACE with her emotionally unavailable but somehow endearing heroes. I don't even understand it myself. F...
As reviewed on Read Our Lips:As the head of the Committee, Isobel is used to making tough decisions, but now she´s staring to feel the wear and tear of it all.With so many of her old agents out of commission or retired, she´s the one to take on this latest mission, to extract a known mercenary and g...
The outcome of this is so obvious, yet I'm having fun with it anyway.
While this wasn't my favorite in the series so far, it still deserves a 5 star rating! One of the best parts was seeing Bastien and Chloe with their children as well as Peter and Genevieve and catching up on what is going on in their lives {{{{Bastien}}}} ~sigh~ I was happy to see Isobel get her H...