by Alice Hoffman
Beginning on the night of the Grand Illumination, a festival of lanterns held each summer on Martha’s Vineyard, this novel is a modern chronicle of a marriage and a bittersweet exploration of an extraordinary passion. Illumination Night follows the lives of a young blond giant who is as beautiful as...
AudiobookKind of a sad book - but then that's par for the course with Alice Hoffman. I had to take a break because I just was not in the mood to read about adultery but then got back to the book which ended up better the second half. Although that said, I wish someone would have come back to town al...
The Plot: In a small town in Martha's Vineyard, a married couple with a young son bicker amongst themselves and worry over their son's small size. Next door, a rebellious teenage girl exiled to live with her grandmother falls in love with the husband next door. The Good: Lovely language and setti...
Perhaps it is this book's misfortune that I read it while reading two other vivid, passionate books. (One comedy, one tragedy.) They were so full of life and colour and character that Illumination Night definitely suffered in comparison.The characters in Illumination Night are painted in pastels, an...
What a great title. Not one of my favoritest Hoffmans, but maybe that's just because it's been so long since I read it.