In Cold Blood. Vokabularien. Zum Taschenbuch der Abacus / Sphere Books.
Format: paperback
9783402028490 (3402028492)
Publish date: January 1st 1986
Publisher: Aschendorff, Münster
Edition language: Deutsch
It is done! It's taken me a while but I have finally finished Truman Capote's true crime novel. I wanted to read this one after watching Capote a few years ago. I also learned that it's considered one of the first true crime novels/the grandfather of the genre, so it felt only right to give it a ...
This does not read like a true crime novel. It almost reads like a historical fiction novel but unfortunately all of the horrible events that take place happened. I recommend having something light and fluffy nearby to read when you're finished because this book will drag you down into a pit of desp...
Im Jahr 1959 wird im kleinen Ort Holcomb in Kansas die hochangesehene vierköpfige Familie Clutter in ihrem Haus ermordet aufgefunden. Wochen danach werden die beiden Täter gefasst und später an den Galgen gebracht. Der Autor Truman Capote recherchiert, setzt sich mit Tätern und Opfern auseinander un...
I discovered this book through reading To Kill a Mockingbird namely because my bookclub mentioned that Harper Lee and Truman Capote were quite good friends (and Capote even dedicates this book to her at the beginning). Anyway, I also thought the title was really cool (and Capote sounded like he was ...
7/6 - The original true crime novel. These days the murder of a family during a home invasion isn't as shocking as it was when In Cold Blood was written, so the description of the crime, and the scene afterward, didn't really bother me. The preceding description of the Clutters' final hours was more...