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In Danger and Falling Fast - A.R. Moler
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In Danger and Falling Fast
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Sequel to In Danger and Under Fire Mike, Maggie, and Kurt explore the reality of their new relationships in every aspect of their lives. On the professional side, while Mike is benched to a desk job because of his seizures, Maggie and Kurt have to deal with the new boss. A field assignment comes... show more
Sequel to In Danger and Under Fire Mike, Maggie, and Kurt explore the reality of their new relationships in every aspect of their lives. On the professional side, while Mike is benched to a desk job because of his seizures, Maggie and Kurt have to deal with the new boss. A field assignment comes Maggie and Kurt's way. As they all know, sometimes bad things happen when agen
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Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781539040583 (1539040585)
Publisher: JMS Books LLC
Edition language: English
Series: In Danger (#2)
Books by A.R. Moler
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