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In Real Life - Community Reviews back

by Cory Doctorow, Jen Wang
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FatherCraneMadeMeDoIt rated it 6 years ago
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-CycleI absolutely love Jen Wang's artwork. That was my main reason for picking this book up. I recently read The Prince and the Dressmaker and adored it. So I was excited to read this book.This one started off well enough. I liked how it called out some of ...
pedestrienne rated it 8 years ago
I admire that Doctorow can fit this big picture narrative into such a short book, but Jen Wang does a lot of the worldbuilding and heavy lifting, and the colorist (was it Wang? I don't know) did a really really amazing job bringing Anda's worlds to life.
pedestrienne rated it 8 years ago
I admire that Doctorow can fit this big picture narrative into such a short book, but Jen Wang does a lot of the worldbuilding and heavy lifting, and the colorist (was it Wang? I don't know) did a really really amazing job bringing Anda's worlds to life.
Say... Kiri!
Say... Kiri! rated it 9 years ago
Anda è una ragazzina come tante, con qualche chilo in più, genitori amorevoli e compagni di classe simpatici. Un giorno nella sua scuola si presenta una ragazza gamer venuta a presentare un gioco online "Coarsegold " e a reclutare ragazze per il suo team femminile. Anda rimane colpita dalla presenta...
Il Blog di Dany
Il Blog di Dany rated it 9 years ago
Inizio: 25 luglioFinito: 25 luglio Voto: 4 stelline Consigliato: Si <3 Grapich Novel molto bella, disegnata benissimo e con una storia emozionante. La novel affronta con umanità il mondo dietro al gold farming negli MMO, è un'occasione per presentarci un mondo poco conosciuto in Italia, una buon...
It's a Hardback Life
It's a Hardback Life rated it 9 years ago
This is basically a story about behavioral economics. And I’m not just saying this to sound analytical- it pretty much says so in the introduction. Still with me? Good. OK, so yes, it is a story about behavioral economics, but it is also a story about finding your voice and using it to make positi...
Hello Book, So Long Sleep...
Hello Book, So Long Sleep... rated it 10 years ago
Things I liked: The art. Anda That it's about online gaming. Talks about LARPing ,RPG and MMO "Farming" yes, I used to be a "gamer" GW (guild wars) was my game! I never played a male character. I think it's funny when I hear about woman that play male characters so they get picked for raiding and ...
Kaethe rated it 10 years ago
In the US a middle-school girl finds fun and opportunity and camaraderie in a massively multiplayer online game. Gradually she becomes aware of the conditions under which others are also playing, as gold-miners in the same game. As in For the Win and Little Brother, Doctorow explores issues of act...
Twirling Book Princess
Twirling Book Princess rated it 10 years ago
My dear boyfriend got me this book as a present. Thanks dear!Now for the review! 4.5 stars.First of all, I would highly recommend people to don't read the introduction. It can possibly ruin the book for you. It almost did for me. I read most of the introduction and I suddenly didn't feel like readin...
christina's book corner
christina's book corner rated it 10 years ago
November 16-16Summary - Anda loves Coarsegold Online, the massively-multiplayer role playing game that she spends most of her free time on. It's a place where she can be a leader, a fighter, a hero. It's a place where she can meet people from all over the world, and make friends. Gaming is, for Anda...
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