by Adrienne Wilder
“Morgan may be autistic, but he is a normal man with a mental condition, not a mental condition who is a man.” Good heavens. Once again Adrienne Wilder has blown me away with her intense and passionate relationships. This one...just wow. The sex scenes in this are quite possibly the best I’ve read...
What to say about In the Absence of Light?Well, it is an action-packed story about Grant, who used to move stolen items for criminals, made his money and almost got caught by the FBI, but he bailed on that old life and wants to start somewhere new. He's set himself a time frame till he can touch his...
I love stories with broken people but Morgan is not broken. Different and special but not broken. I adored each and every character, each for different reasons. Grant was fascinating with his rules, with th ability to stand on both sides of the fence and still be fresh. Adrienne Wilder was smart to ...
Wow! This story was fabulous! One of the things I really liked about this book was that although we only got Grant's POV, I still felt connected to Morgan. Grant's POV and how he saw Morgan came across so clearly. I really appreciated that.
4.5 stars. A superior m/m romance in which the shady Grant Kessler falls for autistic busboy Morgan Kade. Full of humour and originality.'Then he stopped and looked at me.It was then I knew. Staring into those eyes. Eyes that saw where no man could, I was falling for him. I take that back. I'd alrea...
OutstandingThis book is so far one of my best reads this year. Morgan is a stunning character, he is so well written. He is just real, he comes alive on each page. His struggles with parts of his autism and his independence, and strong will were great to read. One of my favourite scenes was when he ...