In the Night Garden (The Orphan's Tales, #1)
9781435288911 (1435288912)
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Science Fiction,
Adult Fiction,
Fairy Tales,
Speculative Fiction,
Short Stories,
Series: The Orphan's Tales (#1)
I thought this was a very clever and unique book. At least, I’ve never read anything like it. It tells a lot of stories, I couldn’t say how many, but definitely more than a dozen. However, this is not an anthology. It’s layer upon layer upon layer of related stories nested inside each other. ...
Every once in a great while a book comes along that reminds us of the magic spell that stories can cast over us to dazzle, entertain, and enlighten. Welcome to the Arabian Nights for our time a lush and fantastical epic guaranteed to spirit you away from the very first page.Secreted away in a garden...
I'm going to start with a digression. I love John Sayles movies. Adore them. And once you've seen them all, you can see a progression in his technique of interlocking stories about communities instead of individuals. Lone Star is the epitome of this, effortlessly moving back and forth in space and t...
4.5 Stars A young girl born with eyes rimmed in black is banished to the palace garden to live out her life. However, when a young prince befriends her, she weaves magical interwoven tales, enchanting and enthralling him. To describe In the Night Garden is an almost impossible task. It’s a colle...
Well, the short version is that the first book of "The Orphan's Tales" has blown me away. I've come to expect nothing less of Cat Valente but I am still always surprised at how emotionally attached I get to her books. My full review can be found under the link.