by Anna Mayle
So wordy it was exhausting reading it.
4.5 stars
4.5 stars. Beautiful, futuristic story about a cop with a heart of gold and a homeless vigilante with an equally golden heart. Wonderful writing with beautifully descriptive passages. The romance builds between the two MCs. Wonderful story about overcoming and trusting again.
This was really good. Beautiful writing; you could call it prose at times. It suffered a bit from repetition. There were lengthy parts who could've profited from trimming, but those were balanced by breathtakingly fast action sequences and beautiful, deeply emotional love scenes, so nothing to comp...
I had a few issues with the MC`s in this book.Nick`s childlike naivety as a good cop in a dirty,corrupted city and his sudden change from straight to gay and accepting it as "his destiny" was hard to believe. Maxwell`s - described as a character with incredible inner strenght -constant reveling in h...
Excellent m/m romantic suspense about a guy who's been on the street for a long time, as something of a vigilante, and a cop who starts to see the depth of the man behind the grime and bruises. This was complex and involving and will stay in my head for quite a while...