by Kiersten White, Jim Di Bartolo
Fascinating storytelling format. Usually I'm not a fan of authors doing graphic novels, as I've always just ended up being sad it wasn't as enjoyable as their previous full novels. However, this format made the most of both image and text-only content. Without getting into spoilers, the book basical...
Once in a great while, a loved one recommends a book to me that I actually end up really enjoying. Behold! In the Shadows is such a book. Part sort-of-graphic novel, part regular historical YA supernatural novel, it's a gorgeous book with a lot to offer. Kudos to all parties involved in the producti...
The words and the pictures didn't really feel like they fit together to me. Going back and forth made it easy to forget what had happened previously. The illustrations were fantastic though, and I really liked that part of the book. Sadly, the written part did nothing for me.
Told in alternating prose and art chapters, IN THE SHADOWS is an impeccable web of stories woven together with intrigue, magic, and love. We are thrown immediately into the center of a dangerous ritual conducted behind locked doors on a dark and story night. From there we meet Cora and her sister Mi...
This was such a wonderful surprise! Oftentimes when authors try to do creative, different projects like mixed media it falls totally flat on its face. Not the case with “In the Shadows”. The story alternates between all-text chapters and all-illustrations chapters for a completely unique and delight...
Still thinking about this book. The amazing illustrations tell a story as you read, but I didn't quite put it together until I read the last page of text. I went back to the start and realized the pictures told the second half of the story. So brilliant. Really enjoyed this .
OK, this is the breakdown:Pros: AH-MAZING artwork. Good story. Cons: The cohesion of written to art isn't the best -- I didn't connect the art to the written portion until I was nearly done with it.
This was far better than I expected, to be honest. And I really just read it for the ARC ninja badge on Literally, because The Bees so bad. (Luckily I found another Bee book!) I'll probably finish The Bees soon for one of the Insecticon characters, however. Getting back to this book, thoug...