by Sara Paretsky, Susan Ericksen
So I have been reading a ton of mystery/crime series this year as you all can see. I have gotten invested in the Harry Bosch series and am a long-time fan of the Alphabet series by Sue Grafton. I don't know yet if I am going to add in VI Warshawski as a long time reader or not. I think that parts of...
This introduces the series with V.I. Warshawski, a female PI. Paretsky does at least give us sketch in more of a background then I've read in a host of private detective fiction. Vic's Italian/Jewish mother and Polish cop father certainly left their mark on her, and she's actually shown to have a fr...
Somehow I missed this series back in the 80s when I was reading a ton of mysteries. Very good mystery but I thought that V.I. came off as too antagonistic at times. That's saying something for me because I don't mind antagonistic characters at all. But nearly 30 years ago it was even harder than ...
I decided to read Sara Paretsky because Stieg Larson who wrote The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo listed her as one of his favorite authors. Not a bad P.I. Detective Mystery book. Will see how a few others check out.
This is a great mystery novel and a great Chicago novel; Chicago is one of my favorite cities and Paretsky brings it to life here. I can't wait to read the next V.I. Warshawski novel! I didn't think a private eye could surpass Kate Atkinson's Jackson Brodie, but I think VIc has done it!
I thought she was a little different.
Eventually all series mysteries pall, but Warshawski is a fun and intriguing character, and the Chicago setting is great.
this first of the V. I. series was really good, think paretsky has gotten better as she's developed the character. these books are always winners.