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Inge houdt het hoofd koel (Babysitters Club, #4) - Ann M. Martin
Inge houdt het hoofd koel (Babysitters Club, #4)
by: (author)
5.00 5
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9789024342167 (9024342163)
Publisher: Deltas
Pages no: 122
Edition language: Dutch
Series: The Baby-Sitters Club (#4)
Community Reviews
Amara's Eden
Amara's Eden rated it
4.0 Mary Anne Saves the Day (The Baby-Sitters Club, #4) by Ann M. Martin
Mary Anne Saves the Day is the fourth book of The Baby-sitters Club, and the girls are now halfway through their seventh grade, with the story taking place sometime in January or February; Lucy Newton, who was born in the previous book, is not quite two months old in this one. As for the plot itself...
grapeapril75 rated it
4.0 Mary Anne Saves the Day
Fantastic books for young girls getting into reading!! Great stories about friendship and life lessons. The characters deal with all sorts of situations and often find responsible solutions to problems.I loved this series growing up and wanted to start my own babysitting business with friends. Great...
Kiwiria rated it
Another favourite BSC, although I gotta admit that the ferociousness of the fight surprises me. I do enjoy seeing Mary Anne grow though, and especially enjoy Mr. Spier and Mrs. Schafer remeeting :)
Aren's Library
Aren's Library rated it
3.0 Mary Anne Saves the Day
Good for young readers.
Books by Ann M. Martin
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