Initia Græca, part i. A first Greek course
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1906 Excerpt: ...we will not apply ourselves to the siege. 5. Is it honourable for a general to fly from...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1906 Excerpt: ...we will not apply ourselves to the siege. 5. Is it honourable for a general to fly from battle? 6. The trees will have been cut down by those invading the country. 7. Will the dead be buried outside the city? 8. The judge, since he was unjust, was punished with death. 9. He wished to leave behind as much money as possible for his children. 10. Some of the slaves had been reared in better habits, others in worse. IN. GR.--PT. I. H XXIV.--VOWEL STEMS Stems In A. Ti/ao-i) is conjugated like Awo, but is contracted throughout. rifiM: all o sounds (o or a or ov) become o. All iotas are written subscript, except in the Infinitive, and the following contracted verbs. ACTIVE CONTRACTED. TLfxu-to, I honour (Stem T i (ia). Whenever there is an e sound in va (t or rj) it is long a in Notice the three singular forms in the Optative of this PASSIVE AND MIDDLE. Stems In E. iroieVi is conjugated like kvm, but contracts throughout diphthong is absorbed. Examples of contraction: oroides becomes iiroiat: broieov, Trote-cu, / make (Stem iron). as follows: ct into «, to into ov: c before a long vowel or ctrotow: iroioo, iroioi: iroiecis, iroteis. Stems In O. Soiao-io is conjugated like Xwo, but contracts throughout or otherwise) into ot, o followed by a short vowel into ov, Examples of contraction: SovXo'et becomes SovoI: 8ovX%, The construction may be t Verbs of saying and thinkparalleled by the English lie ing incline to the Imperf. rather declares the man to be writing. than the Aor. When an infinitive depends command, it is negatived by ni, upon a verb expressing wish or XXVII.--SECOND CONJUGATION, OE VEEBS IN fit. This Conjugation has older forms, but contains far fewer verbs than the conjugation in-m. It only differs from the latter in the Present, Imperfect, and Sec...
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