I'm sorry. This is just too slow for me. I got about 120 pages in, and nothing much had happened. Even in a 550 page book that's still pretty darn far. I feel bad for giving up on it now, because I can sense that something good was about to happen. I have the feeling that this is the kind of book th...
This book really surprised me. A friend of mine recommended it and lent it to me to read, so I was forced to open its pages even though at the beginning I wasn't really thrilled about reading it. After the first chapter I realized I couldn't put the book down even if I tried! I really think this sto...
I liked the book, but for me there was simply too much going on. I felt like there were many areas that could have been cut and there was a lot of action with hardly any breathing room. I think that's great for some people, but for me I would have liked a slightly slower pace. That's just personal o...
Great book! Touching and full of suspense. Too bad the movie wasn't any good!
Vicki, from my book club, sold me on this book when she told me that it was the story of a man who could read characters in and out of stories. She said her and her daughter had enjoyed it so much that they'd even bought the second one in hardcover! If I recall correctly, I think I popped into Boo...