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Inside, Outside, Upside Down - Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain
Inside, Outside, Upside Down
by: (author) (author)
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9780375802539 (0375802533)
Publisher: Random House Trade
Edition language: English
Series: The Berenstain Bears Bright & Early
Community Reviews
Jenny's Book Bag
Jenny's Book Bag rated it
4.0 Inside, Outside, Upside Down
4 stars!
Jenny's Book Bag
Jenny's Book Bag rated it
4.0 Inside, Outside, Upside Down
4 stars!
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd rated it
4.0 The follies of climbing into foreign boxes
This is another one of those cool Dr Seuss books that is so simple in the way that it is put together that it makes it one of those books that I would recommend every parent of young children have on their shelf. In a way it is able to teach children aspects of the English language using simply sent...
Amara's Eden
Amara's Eden rated it
2.0 Inside, Outside, Upside Down by Stan and Jan Berenstain
Inside, Outside, Upside Down is a Bright and Early Book for Beginning Beginners, and that line copied not be more aptly named. On the scale of picture books,Inside, Outside, Upside Down is at the very bottom. This isn't a Cat in the Hat; this isn't even a One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Any...
futurista rated it
5.0 Inside, Outside, Upside Down
This is the first book I felt that my 9-month-old really understood. Every page is very simple with simple words. A bear goes inside a box and ends up being accidentally carted upside down onto a truck outside. We've read this one multiple times.
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