by Julie Cantrell
In Depression-era Mississippi, Millie Reynolds longs to escape the madness that marks her world. With an abusive father and a “nothing mama,” she struggles to find a place where she really belongs. For answers, Millie turns to the Gypsies who caravan through town each spring. The travelers lead Mill...
Julie Cantrell has created a 9 year old narrator in Millie Reynolds that has me feeling for her now very nearly the same as I remember feeling for Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird when I first read it over 30 years ago. Millie as a nine year old is charming, and a gateway into a childhood that is fi...
Into The Free by Julie CantrellFrom the book club chat I was to receive When Mountains Move and was surprised to get this book also. This is the first book in the series so I read it first. Then I'll read and review When Mountains Move.I wanted to read this book because of the summary of the book-tr...
I really enjoyed this book. Millie comes from a hard life. Her Dad is a rodeo star who beats her mom and is never around. Her Mom, most of the time, is not there for her when she needs her most. Millie spends most of her time up a tree she calls Sweetie. She learns alot of tough lessons in her life....
The blurb and cover for this book immediately caught my attention, but after only a few pages, I was already disappointed. Had I not read this for a book club, I wouldn't have finished it. To me, the entire story of Millie Reynolds, a depression-era child with an abusive father and drug-addicted m...
I honestly had no idea what I was in for when I started reading. The story snuck up behind me, tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I told you it'd be good." Read it... I can't say it any better than that.