by Rumiko Takahashi
Finally managed to read some manga, I do really want to finish this series this year. Ideally soon. These volumes feature imposter gods, injured wind tunnels, resurrected siblings, and nice demons. Many of the plotlines were present in the anime and I was familiar with them. Still enjoying the ser...
So there's a few manga series I'm planning on reading through. For now I'm going to try review two volumes at once, to cut down on the amount of manga reviews, since I assume it's not for everyone, and also to give me a bit more to talk about. I've never read any Inuyasha. I did watch the series w...
So... as much as I love FMA, I needed a break. I just did. I also don't have volume 22 for another week, so I want to pace myself a little. From what I remember of volume one, I wasn't crazy-crazy about it. I'm finding the pacing of the action more to my liking in this volume, and it's fun....
Jinenji. ;^;
Uhuhuhuhu, aparece Sesshy.
The story is really getting underway in volume two. First, there's the conclusion to Yura's story. Pretty creepy, in the best possible way. The second half dealt with InuYasha's family, and introduces Sesshomaru. It's a good set up to future conflict. I'm still really happy with how this re-read is ...
Not a fan of this series at all, but at least read the first book for yourself before casting it aside.