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Irena Brignull
Irena Brignull's Books
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Community Reviews
sunsetxcocktail rated it 7 years ago
I received a copy from Netgalley. An interesting quick read with a switched at birth plot with a magical twist. A UK based YA paranormal romance. Teenager Poppy has always been awkward and never seemed to fit in anywhere. Whenever she gets stressed, angry or upset, strange things just seem to happ...
Url Phantomhive
Url Phantomhive rated it 8 years ago
You would think that after all this time, people would know to do anything with prophecies, because it never works the way you planned. However, in The Hawkweed Prophecy, it has been prophecised that in 303 years, a daughter of a Hawkweed sister will lead the witches. This is considered extremely im...
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