by Cari Silverwood
3.5/5Good, but not as impressive as Rough Surrender, which I loved! I loved Claire though, she is an assassin and that's a very big plus in my book :)
This was well written, good story, I just didn't feel I connected with the characters very well. Probably more to do with my mood than the story itself though. Still, a nice introduction into steampunk for me, considering someone as geeky as me should have read steampunk long ago!
Iron Dominance, the first installment in Cari Silverwood’s (CS) Steamwork Chronicles, begins with Claire, who is a frankenstruct, a being made of cloned parts The world is at war and Claire is an assassin. As she flies in an air ship, she receives the name of her next target. But just as her general...
I didn't quite believe in the world Silverwood created, but I liked the story. A fun read. Will look out for more books by her.
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My Official Review has been posted!I can't imagine how it would be to be treated as an object. Slavery is one thing, but to be treated as an object with no rights due to cloning, this is a horror I can't begin to want to experience.Claire is a patchwork clone known as a Frankenstruct. She and her ot...
I loved it. Though I remain unsure about the whole submissive thing to the point of physical punishment. Though the way Cari did it intrigued me rather than repulsed me. Had it not been handled with such finesse and lack of gratuity by Cari it could have really put me off, but it didn't, I was intri...