by Scott Snyder, Manuel Garcia
The first thing that you should do when picking up Iron Man Noir is to pretend that the title is Iron Man Pulp. Because honestly... it really isn't noirish at all. But it is full of pulpy goodness. Honestly, Iron Man is perfectly suited to a pulp adventure, and Scott Snyder does an excellent job of ...
There isn't anything particularly noirish going on here — it's more like Indiana Stark. Also, while there are some cute bits in the premise, it flops hard in the follow-through.
This one was awesome!!! Who knew Luke Cage and Iron Man would be the awesome Noir comics.I most definitely want more of this.
Part of the Marvel Noir series. The take on Tony Stark and Iron Man fits pretty well: a daring adventurer of wealth during the late 1930s, just before the US enters World War II. We get femme fatales, gadgets, Nazis, rare artifacts, and adventure. The frame is that Tony's adventures are being chroni...
A few too many plot holes.
Wow, this is really good -- the adaptation of the Iron Man mythos to pulp adventure novels is really smart in all of its choices. Pepper is especially awesome. (Except for the randomly being whipped half-naked by Nazis scene, what is *up* with that?)Some weird stuff about race in there, though, an...