by Kieron Gillen, Greg Land
This is a reboot given that Marvel Now was a reboot of, well, everything. Every single title got a new start under Marvel Now, and even the ones that didn't - like Wolverine and the X-Men - eventually did get a new start under the Marvel Now Banner. The Uncanny X-Men I read recently were mostly...
Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Quite a bit of meh to my feelings. When did the chick who engineered Extremis become a good guy? I missed something, didn't I? Somebody tell me what I missed!Tony tracks down Extremis kits that have been sold to various villains and even to some not-so-bad guys.The Ki...
Mixed feelings. On one hand, I do appreciate that the storyline is self contained. It starts here, and it's over with here. You don't need much canon background, other than a passing knowledge of Extremis. I already had that, but you could probably pick up everything you needed to know from this col...
Remarkably flat story-telling.
This is my first go at any of the new Marvel Now titles, and I can't say I was all that impressed. The story revolves around Extremis, which seems to be all that Iron Man is about in 2013 and I'm just going to guess that that has something do with Iron Man 3. The story in this volume was just pretty...
Read in single issues.I expected Greg Land's art to be a problem, and it was. I didn't expect Kieron Gillen's writing to be a problem, but it was.The best writing in the world would struggle against Land's art, with its squinty-eyed men, its complete inability to depict any convincing human express...