Masterpiece of The World's Greatest Mind Ever This massive book has been recommended by Doctor [a:Neil deGrasse Tyson|12855|Neil deGrasse Tyson|] in his celebrated list , I have been reading this book for long time , actually I ha...
I tried. But this is Newton using geometry to explain the calculus behind his theory of gravity. Every few pages, between the charts and equations, he writes a one or two sentence introduction to the proposition about to be proved. I understood those. Mostly. And I could see this is where Newto...
Me pareció interesante pero hasta cierto punto. Hay que reconocer que en la época de Newton era difícil separar la ciencia de la religión, pero me pareció absurdo que a todo aquello que parecía desconocido le atribuyera una causa divina. Es más, sus argumentos se cruzan con sus descubrimientos, pues...