Alice is becoming more secure in her position as the hero. This episode takes Alice, Briar Rabbit and her best friend Sam deep into the Grayle’s corporation. The Grayle’s are several of Snow White’s dwarves that are now prominent businessmen in society. In addition to banking and real estate, the...
200 years ago the Grimm Brothers brought their characters to life, destined to repeat their stories. The characters have integrated throughout society, but have become more corrupted throughout time. Alice has emerged as the hero, the one that can return the characters to their pages with the help...
Long ago, the Brother's Grimm set about writing their tales on magic paper with a special pen. The paper brought their stories alive- literally; the characters from each of the fairy tales began appearing in real life, destined to play out their stories over and over again. However, over time all o...
I've been waiting to read this book since I finished the first collection of three volumes. It completely made my day when I noticed it was free on Amazon. That being said, I thought the second volume didn't *quite* hold up to the first one.Don't get me wrong - Alice is still an awesomely kick-ass c...
It's no secret that I adore fairy tales.Reading the description of this book, my first thought was that it was going to be something like that one NBC show, Grimm. was, but it wasn't.For starters, I like the premise. It explores what happens to a fairy tale character after the story ends, ...