by Keith Robinson
Set in a future post-apocalyptic world, 8 families live in quiet solitude on a foggy island, safe from whatever wrecked humanity. The kids are all 12 years old or close to it. While they have each been long curious about the mainland, they also knew there was no way to go exploring. Yet now things a...
I ended up with a book geared towards middle schoolers in my kindle..I REALLY don't know how it got there...That being said, as a fantasy writer, this book got my attention!A bunch of kids who are shape-shifting into mythical creatures? Yep, totally my thing and made me wish I had come up with the i...
Great story for children of all ages! I see a lot of reviews stating that Island of the Fog: Book 1 is a great children's book and it is but it's so much more than that. I'm nearly 40 and enjoyed the book very much. Not only is the book kid friendly but you will also find yourself loving it just a...