Ivan Turgenev
Birth date: November 09, 1818
Died: September 03, 1883
Ivan Turgenev's Books
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Não dei 5 estrelas porque queria que o autor revelasse mais sobre o pensamento do Vladimir e que desse mais explicações no final. O livro é escrito pelo ponto de vista do Vladimir e alguns momentos ele suspeita de certas coisas, mas não é mostrado e senti falta disso.No geral, é um excelente livro! ...
Just googled "best Russian short stories" and found it in wiki:http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Best_Russian_Short_Stories/The_District_Doctor
IntroductionFurther ReadingTranslator's Note--First Love
Turgenev's [b:Fathers and Sons|2924651|Fathers and Sons|Ivan Turgenev|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348445045s/2924651.jpg|1294426] mainly deals with the subject of different ideologies and the struggle to remain true to our beliefs. Simultaneously, the plot is full of characteristics that express ...
Sometimes a work is so much a product of its times that, for all its genius, it no longer translates beyond those times. I’ve read many works that are full of incredible satire, insight, and profound art, yet would be virtually meaningless to a modern reader. I think specifically of a great work lik...