This is the 6th in the Sweet Cove series and probably the last one I'll read. While the plots are really good, it's just become too cutesy for me. Everything is all kissing their sweeties and omg omg omg my family is teh awesome and trilling cats and thrumming blood and jesus, it's just so sweet t...
It had promise ... at least as much as many of these cozy mysteries have. Then the story started. It will come as no surprise that someone dies and the lead in the tale is a suspect. However, she doesn't bravely solve the case. No. The cat does. And her weird "internal humming" helps.Honestly, some ...
Overall, not bad but more than a little cheesy. Very light and fluffy sort of story, not a bad book, but a little lacking in substance. The victim was barely introduced and with so little detail about him, it was difficult for me to connect with the story. Too much cheesy romance, and frankly,no ...
Angie and her sisters (and Mr. Finch, who I keep seeing as Finch on Person Of Interest, I can't help it) are out solving mysteries again, with the help of cats Euclid and Circe. This time, the gang works to find out who planted a bomb in a vacant house and also who killed the guy who lived next doo...
I enjoyed this, but I have mixed feelings about it. No murder victim in this one, it was just the sisters unraveling their family history and why Angie inherited the house. Which made for good reading, I really enjoyed it. On the other hand, it was improbably far-fetched in a lot of ways, espe...
Book 2 of the Sweet Cove series has Angie and her sisters running a B&B and investigating the death of a candy store curmudgeon. This one was much better than the first, a great plot with more than one dimension to it, pacing that kept the story moving. I thought the end was still a little abrupt a...
Not bad. There were a few eye-rolling moments for me (Suspect in a murder? Here, let me show you around my home) and it was pretty obvious from the start who did it. But overall, a good start to a new series.