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I was confused as to whether to give this book 3 stars or 4 stars. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this but I realized I had a few issues with this book that I just couldn't get past.Mainly, the insta-love.One may argue that the love is not really insta and it takes almost 50% of the book for feelings ...
4-4.5 Stars. Review Coming Soon.
The idea of time traveling is exciting, right? Only if you're controlling it...being unexpectedly yanked into the past against your will, that's just terrifying. That's what A.J. deals with, every few months. Except, the trips are happening more frequently...and she's staying in the past longer. ...
Not usually into the time travel thing but this one looks interesting...
So okay... Self pub' indie YA title with loads of potential but ultimately a disappointment of a read.It's not the most original idea, time jumping, but it hasn't been overdone, at least not yet, so the premise of Rewrite Redemption was pretty freaking cool...And Walker’s take on it is pretty inter...