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This book didn't work on any level for me. It isn't up to par with J.L. Merrow's other work I've read. In fact, it felt as if it were written by some other author.The characterisation was one of the book's weakest points, with Will coming across as entirely too trusting, and having the emotional mat...
I wanted to like it, I really did, but the stupidity of some of the characters was just too much to bear. The characters are painfully underdeveloped, and the villain so obvious he should have been wearing neon colors recruiting for the Evil League of Evil, and screaming I'm evil loud for everyone t...
I was kind of squirming through the first half, hating Baz, hating Leif, wondering why Marcus was such a wilt and couldn't Will do better? And then the second half flew by and it was all good.
Am very tired but I know I'll forget to review later so I wanted to say that I loved every moment of this book. The characters, the pacing, how silly boys can be, the ghosts, all of it! :D completely fangirl this book ^_^
J.L. Merrow's stories are hits and misses for me. Some I truly like, some I don't. Unfortunately, this falls in the latter category. My biggest issue with this one is how the two main characters, that are supposed to be "the couple", don't really have that many scenes together. Most of the story, Wi...