A cute short story in which Batman rescues a naked guy and tries a little man action on for size. Well done.
Offered for FREE from the M/M Romance Group, Hot Summer Days event.
3.5 stars Amusing read.
What a wonderfully cute story! I would definitely read more adventures with these two!
Fun short free m/m story about Batman rescuing a naked guy and being strangely excited by him...
"Hey! You gonna look all night or are you gonna get me outta here?" Very impatient, that one ;)This had a very comic-y and old school detective feel to it. I really liked the writing style, it flowed very naturally.Acrobat and Robinette lol Brilliant :)
Broadcast news!!!! Batman is GAY!Whaaaaaaat? You knew it already? anyway.....I love the shy AC so different from the kick ass Batman someone could thinkThe dark knight, is not so dark... :-)Love this freebie!!!!