Overall, I liked most of the stories in this collection. I found them more bizarre than anything else; weird but not scary or disturbing. I wish some of the stories were more detailed and more deranged.
Here's something else that bothers me about this whole thing that Hamantaschen has done - there doesn't seem to be any charm or actual enjoyment that feels as though it has been put into what he has created at all. And, I mean, what could possibly be the motive in getting this published, in its wo...
And where was I? Oh, right: Hamantaschen is to sincerity what I am to a Christian lady who means well and thinks that she is standing up for the right to free speech when she says that she supports a millionaire who openly hates the gays and belittles African American history and who made his for...
Do you THINK I enjoy being the rainer of parades? Must I always be the one who has to tell the emperor that he is naked, out of sheer respect for him as a fellow human being with hopes and aspirations for the expansion of his skills as a creator? Well, yes, I suppose that this is why I want to b...
A Lower Power - What happens when you leave a demigod?Wonder - Never offend the wrong person.Endemic - A Parasite Inside Your Brain - Is the cure worse than the disease?(Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the author.)
Updated - 7/19/12 - see link at bottomWhen I got into work at 11:30pm that night, the first words I heard were, "Hey, Byrnes, a package came for you. It's in the closet." I had no idea what Nic was talking about. I put my Red Bull and Vitamin Water in the pint-sized fridge at the back of the office...
Smart, dark, depressing, and humorous. Good stuff.
The type of story within You Shall Never Know Security is a favorite of mine to read, so my opinion on J. R. Hamantaschen could be considered biased. The stories are weird and very dark. They’re also intelligent and linger in your thoughts after reading. I found that I had to stop sometimes just to ...
It took me longer than usual to read this fascinating collection of stories by J. R. Hamantaschen because I read many of them twice. Once to experience the exceptional style of the author's writings and another to figure what the heck he was writing about.Before you misinterpret the above paragraph ...