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J.R. Vaineo
J.R. Vaineo is a self-published indie author. In 2018, she published her first book: Kings of Muraine. When she’s not writing, she and her husband, Jessie, have many adventures together. Mostly in cooking, photography, analytical talks, going for walks in the rain, and fawning over their two... show more
J.R. Vaineo is a self-published indie author. In 2018, she published her first book: Kings of Muraine. When she’s not writing, she and her husband, Jessie, have many adventures together. Mostly in cooking, photography, analytical talks, going for walks in the rain, and fawning over their two adorable fur-babies.

While J.R. Vaineo writes mostly fantasy fiction, she enjoys reading all genres; except, perhaps, for horror stories. She strives to improve her craft of writing, by drawing from lessons learned in a creative writing program, through the Institute of Children’s Literature, as well as other sources. One of those other sources was psychology. What she learned, during her years of obtaining an AA degree in psychology, has proved invaluable in fleshing out characters and plot twists. Currently, she is working on an eight book series—The Journals of Ravier—that’s been in development for over thirteen years. Sometimes, she is quite jealous of the characters’ abilities, found within her own writing. If that is a sign of anything, it is this: Obsession.

Now you know more about me. But I cannot wait to hear your story. Your dreams. Your frustrations. If you want to connect with me, I’m on Twitter and Facebook—Bookbub, too. If you want to, check out my website, and contact me through there, as well.
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MerissaArchaeolibrarian rated it 4 years ago
The epicness continues with Tyler and Gemma as they try to stay alive! @JRVaineo, @ReedsyDiscovery, #Epic, #Fantasy, #YoungAdult, 4 out of 5 (very good) HUNT THE DRAGON WITHIN is the second book in The Journals of Ravier series and we continue where book one left off. Soren is causing chaos, T...
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